Are You Ready to Meet the New YOU?

Aditi Gupta
5 min readDec 4, 2021

This pandemic is something that we had never ever imagined before. Everywhere is crisis, people are getting infected, millions have died already all over the world. Till when do you think will it last? Nobody has the answer yet and we could wait and pray for our wellbeing. The pandemic has created an impact on everybody’s life — mentally and emotionally. This pandemic is pretty overwhelming for each one of us and is giving almost an unforgettable experience.

However, have you ever thought of how this pandemic is going to leave you once it’s gone completely? It has given us enough time to think about what we are and where are we? Where our life is taking to us, is this what we have always wanted us to be? Is this the way it should happen? There are a lot of questions that struck my mind; hopefully, everyone at some point has got a hit like me.

It depends on a lot how you are taking your quarantine life during this crisis. These four months could completely change you and your life. You can work on yourself and your relationship with others for good for sure. However, can you imagine the “New You” after this topsy-turvy pandemic gets to an end? With my experience, I started by calculating my relationship with myself, and guess what; my relationship with myself got 30 %. I am in my early 30s and so busy building up my life. Meanwhile, I often forget about myself and pushing so hard to harmonize my life and juggling between my career and family. Nevertheless, thinking about the fix; I was awestruck by this thought suddenly! Let’s try to shape up our life a bit, but for that, it is necessary to surround yourself with good vibes. What could bring those? Let’s take a look if the below tricks help!

Unbox Your Mystery to Yourself!

How much do you owe to yourself? Feel good about yourself and unbox the mystery lying within you! We human beings are complicated creatures. It is a great time to know your worth. Take 10 minutes of break from your hectic daily routine and be thankful for who you are. Explore yourself! Practice mindfulness and produce a sense of calmness. I am pretty sure that you are going to discover the‘new’ YOU while you try hard exploring yourself. Be mindful and know about yourself and your needs; try finding patterns that define you. Once you bring the letters out of your Pandora box, and you are a step ahead! Meditation could help you and do wonders to know your worth.

Self-care is a New Love!

Your love for yourself defines your love for your spouse and family. I am not saying you should love yourself more and less the latter. But if you are able to caress yourself, you tend to keep your people happy better. Sacrifice is good, but there should not be abjuration in it. We humans, tend to be very fragile when it comes to our loved ones. Though, we must know just staying with emotions makes us futile. You must learn to reign your emotions, not vice versa. If are swayed by emotions, then I am sorry to say, you could never be happy in this world. Celebrate yourself every day to keep your loved ones gratified.

Self-care is a New Love!

Your love for yourself defines your love for others. I am not saying that you should love yourself more and less the latter. But if you are able to caress yourself, you tend to keep your people happier. Sacrificing is good, but there should not be abjuration in it. We humans, tend to be very fragile when it comes to our loved ones. Though, we must know just staying with emotions makes us futile. You must learn to reign your emotions, not vice-versa. If are swayed by emotions, then I am sorry to say, you could never be happier in this world. Celebrate yourself every day to keep yourself and your loved ones gratified.

Chit-chat With Your Family-

Spend less time browsing news channels and be thankful for these moments that you are having with your family. Having a healthy conversation with your family members about the happenings in their life can help you learn about them. Prepare a good nutritious meal every day, sit and enjoy together. The taste of food gets better when you are sharing it with your loved ones with nice talks. It is said that food should be eaten quietly, but I say, eat it loud, be happy and bond nicer with your closed ones. Know about your people and make your bond stronger during this COVID times. Everyone must be felt fulfilled and know you all are there for each other.

Indulge in a New Activity:

Have you always fascinated by dancing, singing, sketching, or playing a keyboard? Yes, this is the time to dive deep inside and learn something that kept you captivated all your life. Like me, I have always loved writing, writing anything, on any genre. And recently, I broke my shells and started my blog, and here I am — trying to produce something new and fresh! Why not inhabit something that we have always thought of or dreaming. Work hard to find your tune and brings calmness to your soul. We often forget ourselves in our exhausting lives; however, why not take an opportunity to know God’s given talent to us?

Despite the fact, COVID-19 is wicked truth that we are facing in our lives presently, why not to use our time to invest in making ourselves new and fresh. I must say, the moment we will be out of this challenging time, we are going to be happy and transformed for good.

Let’s not think about you five years later, but the renewed you post pandemic. How have you prepared yourself post-COVID situation? List down, keep a check on it regularly and make the most out of your cherished time.

Clear your mind and find your tune, push your limits, be grateful and stay happy! :)

Photo by Hybrid on Unsplash



Aditi Gupta

An aspiring writer - dreams of becoming an AUTHOR :)